
A range of high-performance nano-functionalized composite materials have been developed at RHP. Our nanoparticles can be homogeneously dispersed in a range of ceramics or polymeric matrixes.

Unlike commercially available composites, which are manufactured by mixing the nanopowder within the polymer, RHP directly produces nanofunctionalized polymeric feedstocks/ceramic powders. This allows a high dispersion of the nanoparticles within the matrix, thus ensuring that the characteristic "nano" properties (e.g. antimicrobial activity, mechanical or electrical properties, etc.) are maintained in the final product.

Why to chose RHP nano-composites?

  • Polymers and ceramics are available
  • Degradable and non-degradable matrixes
  • Homogeneous and stable
  • Ultra-high purity
  • Ideal for biomedical application
  • AgNP-based composites demonstrated antimicrobial activity based on ISO standards
  • Industrial processability by injection molding, extrusion, 3D printing, powder technology, etc.
  • Customizable formulations and R&D support

Nanofunctionalized polymer feedstocks

Nanoparticle Filler:

 NP content:

Polymeric Matrix:

  • Ag

  • Pt 

  • Au 

  • Cu 

  • Zn 

  • Mg 

  • other

  • 0.01 wt%

  • 0.1 wt%

  • 0.25 wt%

  • 0.5 wt%

  • 1.0 wt%

  • 2.0 wt%

  • 5.0 wt%

  • other

  • TPU

  • PMMA

  • PCL

  • PLA

  • PGLA

  • other 

Nanofunctionalized ceramic powders

Nanoparticle filler:

 NP content:

Ceramic Powder:

  • Ag

  • Pt 

  • Au 

  • Cu 

  • Zn 

  • Mg 

  • other

  • 0.01 wt%

  • 0.1 wt%

  • 0.25 wt%

  • 0.5 wt%

  • 1.0 wt%

  • 2.0 wt%

  • 5.0 wt%

  • other

  • Al2O3

  • ZnO2

  • b-TCP

  • other



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