RHP welcomes you as your expert team for innovative materials!

Swipe through our selection of high-tech products or let us know for which project can we competently assist you with today? Search our Services, Products and our Innovative Technologies we use—or choose your industry and learn more about your possibilities!

RHP Technology

Perfectly tuned materials through 30 years of powder technology, hot pressing, plasma metal deposition. With RHP-Technology GmbH you draw on this enormous pool of experience; 3D printing, spark-plasma-sintering, powder injection molding included!

RHP Attophotonics

Unique in Nano, Sensors and Surface Technology. Our Attophotonics Biosciences GmbH team works with Smart Surfaces across all application areas from biofunctional, aesthetic, converting, tribological, sensory, up to as far as really intelligent ones – simply perfectly tuned!

RHP Space

Of currently 7000 active satellites in Earth orbit, about 1000 are equipped with technologies from AT Space GmbH! We develop components and assemblies for proven use in space. Perfectly tuned materials and coatings are the basis for this future!

NEWS - our nano-products catalogue is out now!

NEWS - our nano-products catalogue is out now!

It's time to introduce our complete range of ultra-pure nanoproducts!

You can choose from a wide range of standard products or contact us for your specific needs. We will be happy to assist you in selecting suitable nanomaterials for your purpose or in developing new formulations. Thanks to our advanced technologies and highly qualified and experienced employees, we can supply you with high-quality nanomaterials from sustainable processes and help you to master your challenges.


RHP goes Fusion

RHP goes Fusion

RHP is taking part in the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber's delegation trip to Munich to meet leading start-ups working on pioneering fusion concepts. The trip will focus on exchanging ideas about new technological approaches and their potential for the energy transition.

Advanced materials and manufacturing technologies play a key role in the development of innovative solutions for nuclear fusion. RHP has extensive expertise in this area and sees great potential to contribute to the further development of this future-oriented industry with its technologies.

“Fusion technology is one of the most promising energy sources of the future. As a company with a focus on advanced material and manufacturing solutions, we look forward to working with international partners on innovations in this field”