Bionic inspired colors
In “nano-thin” layers Attophotonics creates a wide range of colors without the need for chemical pigments.
Depending on material, desired additional properties and required resistance to mechanical stress, Attophotonics’ nano-colors can be applied in various ways:
- direct coating
- glitter
- films, stickers/ tags

Due to their particular nanostructure the layers selectively reflect a specific spectral sub-fraction whereas other electromagnetic waves are absorbed efficiently. Thus, the surface shines, dependent on the viewing angle, in a well defined color. The same principle gives rise to the sparkling colors of the wings of some butterflies.
They show characteristic absorption in the visible as well as in the IR- and UV-light spectrum. They can be used for colored bar-codes and anti-counterfeiting tags. Glitter-effects and color gradients can also be created. The potential applications of this innovative new technology range from novel surface design and POC-diagnostics to intelligent packaging for quality control of food products.
A wide spectrum of colors can be printed or applied directly
- onto arbitrary surfaces
- with the same chemistry (several options available)
- efficiently using materials.
The coatings create a modern, metallic look
- are color-fast,
- extremely heat stable (600°C) if required
- ready to be machine-readable