Metallography & Microscopy
- Keyence VHX500 3D microscope
- Zeiss and Keyence optical microscopes including 3D surface analysis
- EMCO and QNESS hardness testers (incl. area analysis)
- Vision Engineering measuring microscope
- Secondary Electron Microscope with EDX (SwiftED)
- XRD phase analysis
- 3D microscopes
- Atomic force microscope

Material properties
- Ultrasound E-Modulus measurement Olympus
- Bähr dilatometer up to 1,500°C
- Crack length evaluation for K1C
- Universal testing machines for tensile, compression, bending and fatigue (servo pulsar available)
- Creep testing facility
- Raman testing
- UV, IR and VIS evaluation
- Salt spray corrosion chamber
- Corrosion and degradation of metals in simulated body fluid